IEB grants Institut Estudis Baleàrics

Grants for actions to promote the use of the Catalan language in the Balearic Islands for the year 2024

1. Budget

The credit assigned to this call is 325,000 euros (three hundred and twenty-five thousand euros).

2. Object

The general purpose of the call is to support activities that aim to spread and promote the social use of the Catalan language among the general population, both native and newly arrived, of the Balearic Islands .

The subsidized activity must be carried out between November 1, 2023 and December 31, 2024 and must correspond to one of the following activities:

  1. Language volunteering projects, which must have the purpose of creating a space in which non-Catalan speakers can practice the Catalan language through conversation, and acquire fluency and confidence when using it, and to promote the sociocultural integration of non-Catalan speakers.
  2. Linguistic and cultural training activities (courses, workshops, teaching material...) aimed at specific sectors of the population (young people, professional groups, non-Catalan speakers, etc.).
  3. Projects for the creation of didactic material intended specifically for the teaching of the Catalan language in the Balearic Islands, with special attention to the insular forms of Catalan, without prejudice to the unity of the language. Subsidized material must be first editions.
  4. Leisure activities, programs and projects that aim to promote the use of the Catalan language in areas with little or no Catalan presence, such as the creation of competitive products in the Catalan language applying new technologies, the expansion of the cinema offer in Catalan, the organization of escape games, etc.
  5. Activities to promote linguistic integration.
  6. Linguistic awareness projects.

3. Beneficiaries

The beneficiaries of this call for grants may be the following:

a) Local entities of the Balearic Islands and public bodies that depend on them.

b) Associations, foundations and other non-profit entities.

c) Companies and freelancers (only for projects to create didactic material intended specifically for the teaching of the Catalan language in the Balearic Islands).

4. Application submission deadline

Applications can be submitted within fifteen working days from March 1, 2024. The deadline ends on March 22, 2024 .

5. Submission of applications

Interested persons may submit applications through the following channels:

a) Non-obligated natural persons:

  • Electronically through the telematic procedure available at the Institut d'Estudis Balearics and on the website . The specific application (annex 1), signed electronically, which will be available in the same place, must be attached, together with the rest of the documentation.
    In case of opting for online submission, requests sent by any other means other than the online procedure will not be considered submitted in the register.
  • In person at the registration offices of the IEB , of the regional administration or in any of the other places established in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015. The same documentation as in the previous case must be attached (annex 1), but it is not necessary for the signature to be electronic.

b) Subjects obliged to relate electronically with public administrations in accordance with the provisions of article 14.2 and 3 of Law 39/2015:

  • Electronically through the telematic procedure that can be accessed from the electronic headquarters of the Institute of Balearic Studies and the website . The specific request for the procedure (annex 1), signed electronically, must be attached, which will be available in the same place, together with the rest of the documentation.

A grant application must be submitted per beneficiary, in which it must be stated which activity or activities are eligible for aid.

6. Maximum date of justification

Beneficiaries must present a supporting account (appendices 3 and 4) for each activity or project, with the information broken down by activity or project, according to the model available at the Institut d'Estudis Balearics and on the website , duly completed and accompanied by the required documentation, within one of the following deadlines:

  1. For the activities that have already been carried out at the time of the notification, twenty business days from the day after the notification of the concession resolution.
  2. For activities that have not been carried out at the time of the notification of the concession resolution, twenty working days from the end of the activity or project.

This text is an informative summary. Please read the official announcement .

For more information, write to us at suportsubvencions

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