Proyección exterior Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics
Jazz Across Borders 2018

Genres: Music
Fechas: Del Nov. 15, 2018 Al Nov. 15, 2018
Lugar: St. Petersburg, Russia
Jazz Across Borders was born with a new European jazz forum and festival. In this way, it attracted the attention of both professionals and members of the jazz industry around the world.
This year, the Jazz Across Borders program will run for three days, with debates, workshops, music shows, concerts, jams and club performances, as well as other events such as galas and fairs.
As a professional platform, the festival was designed to bring together the international jazz community, and to provide artists with a unique opportunity to present their music to the most important jazz professionals internationally.
The IEB will be present. There we will hold meetings with agents, programmers, promoters and producers.
If you want to visit the festival to connect with professionals from around the world with the support of the IEB, there are several ways to do so:
BADGES: If you would like to participate as a professional, please ask us for your credentials via email by May 31st.
APPOINTMENT SCHEDULE: Once credited, we'll send you all the relevant information so you can schedule appointments with participants that fit the profile you're looking for.
TRAVEL GRANT: The IEB may cover part of your transportation and accommodation expenses, as well as the preparation and editing of promotional materials. More information: (grants section)
SHOWCASE: If you want to participate in Jazz Across Borders 2018 send us BEFORE MAY 31st an email to with the subject "Jazz Across Borders" and with NAME OF THE BAND + PROMOTIONAL DOSSIER + A LINK TO THE YOUR WEB + LINK TO AUDIO / VIDEO.