Open call for an exhibition project at ARTESANTANDER 2024
Karen Mueller
Open call for the selection of an exhibition project for the ARTESANTANDER 2024 fair
1. Purpose of the call
The Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB), together with the organizers of the ARTESANTANDER 2024 fair, creates an open call for the selection of an artistic project in solo project format for the Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics stand at the ARTESANTANDER contemporary art fair, which will be held from July 12 to 16, 2024 at the Santander Conference and Exhibition Palace.
2. Description and objective of the project
The IEB is an organization of the Government of the Balearic Islands dedicated to the promotion of the language and culture of the Balearic Islands. Through its culture area, its strategic objectives are to consolidate the Balearic Islands as a structured cultural market, as well as to promote the external projection of music, performing arts, literature and visual arts of the Balearic Islands.
In order to promote and give visibility to artistic creation in the field of visual arts in the Balearic Islands, the IEB participates with a stand in the contemporary art fair ARTESANTANDER 2024, in which an exhibition project of a Balearic artist in solo project format.
Both artists and curators may submit exhibition proposals to participate in ARTESANTANDER (see point 5).
The project is accompanied by a small promotional publication with information about the exhibition proposal.
The IEB exhibition project at the ARTESANTANDER 2024 fair is conceived as a project to promote Balearic artistic creation, without commercial activity or objective.
3. Booth
The IEB stand will be 24 m², with a configuration of 8 x 2 meters (back wall x side walls, see Annex I).
4. Management and technical coordination
The IEB is responsible for the organization and management of the project, which includes the contracting of suppliers and budget control and supervision.
5. Recipients
This call is aimed at artists and art curators.
The artists must be natives of the Balearic Islands or residents of the archipelago.
The curators must present an exhibition proposal by a Balearic artist and must have led relevant projects in the field of curatorial programming at fairs, festivals and spaces for the dissemination of contemporary art in Spain and internationally.
6. Project presentation
To participate in the call, the artist or curator must present a dossier with a proposed exhibition project and updated professional career. The dossier will be presented in a single low-resolution PDF file (identified with the name and surname of the artist), attached to an email. The email will also include a short introductory text and the scanned ID or passport.
The dossier may be written in Catalan or Spanish.
If necessary, it will be accompanied by instructions regarding assembly or any technical specificity to be taken into account in relation to the works.
The works included in the exhibition must be produced. If necessary, a budget item of up to €1,000 is planned for the framing of the works or similar.
Only one project proposal per participant will be accepted.
7. Project submission
Projects will be sent to the IEB email address, indicating in the message "Open call registration: project for ARTESANTANDER 2024". The IEB will confirm receipt of the registration in the call.
8. Project receipt deadline
The deadline for receiving projects ends on May 19, 2024, at 11:00 p.m. Any request for participation sent after the deadline will not be taken into account.
9. Selection criteria
The selection criteria will take into account:
• The adaptation of the project to the conceptual framework of the fair: up to 5 points.
• Excellence, quality and rigor of the project: up to 10 points.
• The promotion potential of the participating artist: up to 5 points.
• The technical and economic viability of the project: up to 5 points.
The maximum score that can be obtained is 25 points.
10. Selection Committee
A selection committee will be in charge of selecting the winning project. It will be made up of Mónica Álvarez Careaga, director of the fair, and Carmen Quijano, curator and person in charge of mediation at the fair.
The decision of the Selection Committee of this call will be final.
11. Fees
The fees of the artist and/or the curator are respectively stipulated at €1,500.00 (taxes included). The fees cover the preparation of the project and the non-exclusive cession of the rights of reproduction and communication of the works.
The fees do not include the travel and stay expenses of the artist and/or curator, which will be managed and covered by the IEB.
Payment of fees will be made against invoice at the end of the Artesantander 2024 edition.
12. Tasks of the artist or curator
The tasks of the artist or curator include:
• Preparation of the concept and exhibition proposal
• Selection of participating works
• Preparation of the list of works in the exhibition, with indication of the technical sheet and all relevant information for contracting suppliers
• Preparation of the final project, agreed upon with the IEB in terms of technical and budgetary feasibility
• Provision of texts (descriptive text of the project or curatorial text, trajectory) for inclusion in the publication that accompanies the exhibition and its use as dissemination material
• Design of the stand assembly, with provision of all the necessary instructions for the correct assembly of the works.
• Supervision of the exhibition assembly
• Attendance at the opening of the exhibition
• Media attention
To carry out these tasks, the artist and/or curator must coordinate closely with the IEB in relation to compliance with the proposed schedule (Annex II).
13. Travel to the fair
The IEB offers the participating artist to cover travel expenses and a three-day stay at the fair (includes one day for assembly).
14. Resolution
The artist and/or curator of the selected project will receive an email confirming their selection by the IEB, to which they must respond by accepting the exhibition commission.
Once this procedure is resolved, the IEB will inform all participants of the final result by email and will also publish this result on its website.
More information
In case of questions or queries, contact Karen Müller, visual arts technician at the IEB, at or by phone at 971 17 89 96.
Annex 1
IEB booth plan
Annex 2
Indicative schedule