Presentation at Fira B! of Xàfec, the network that gathers fifteen Catalonian festivals
Núria Abad
Xàfec is an association of festivals that was born to create a Catalonian-wide cultural network, aiming to share knowledge and challenges, join efforts together and cooperate. The association also speaks out very clearly in favour of the need to decentralize culture. The presentation of the network will take place on Thursday 21st September, at 16h in Room 1 of Sa Nostra's Cultural Centre, within the framework of Fira B!, the Balearic Professional Market for Music and the Performing Arts.
The Association Xàfec is mainly made up of 15 events that span the whole Catalonian territory: Aphònica (Banyoles), ArteNou (Sant Boi de Llobregat), Cantilafont (Lluçanès), Càntut (Cassà de la Selva), El Tingladu (Vilanova i la Geltrú), Embassa’t (Sabadell), Festival de Jazz de Vic (Vic), Festus (Torelló), Foramuralla (Vic), Ítaca (diverses poblacions de l’Empordà), MUD (Lleida), Nowa Reggae (Vilanova i la Geltrú), TwinPalmfest (L’Hospitalet de l’Infant), Vida (Vilanova i la Geltrú) and Xtrarradio (Barcelona). These events prioritize cultural interest and proximity, offer high quality shows in their programmes (often including unknown and risky proposals), and take into consideration the surroundings and the place where the events are held.
Also part of the organization are companies and institutions connected with the world of festivals, although at present they may not have any particular projects on the go: Bankrobber, Little-e Produccions and Cultura Dispersa.
Xàfec comes to replace A-Petit, a festival platform created in 2012, and now, with this new drive, it aims to become the most relevant representative for Catalonian festivals, dialoguing with the different administrations and stakeholders of the industry. It also calls out to other festivals, inviting them to join the network.