Fira B! presents 4 Vents, an alliance between the most important Mediterranean music fairs
Núria Abad
Palma.22.09.2017.- This Friday morning, within the framework of the 3rd edition of Fira B!, the Professional Balearic Music and Performing Arts Market, the platform 4 Vents has been presented as an alliance between the most important Mediterranean music fairs, in order to boost this sector thanks to a programme to promote artists throughout all three Catalan-speaking regions, thus fulfilling the agreement between the Catalan, Valencian and Balearic governments to promote their language and culture. The presentation included the participation of Joan Gregori, director of Trovam! Fira Valenciana de la Música; David Ibáñez, artistic director of the Fira Mediterrània de Manresa; Montse Portús, executive director of the Mercat de Música Viva de Vic; and Francesc M. Rotger, director of the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics and coordinator of Fira B!.
The representatives of the four fairs that make up this platform explained some details of the exchange programme and manifested their common will to work together in order to promote Mediterranean musical creation as much as possible.
As for today, the Professional Sessions at Sa Nostra's Cultural Centre have begun with a second round of speed meetings. Also, EiMa, the festival and creation centre in María de la Salut has been presented by its artistic director, Mariantònia Oliver; and Circaire, Alcudia's Circus Fair, has been presented by its co-director Sebastià Jordà.
The projects that make up the International Meeting of National and International Residency Centres and Creative Labs have been presented, an event organized in cooperation with the Institut Ramon Llull, with the presence of: from the sector of living arts, Centro de Cultura Recoletas from Buenos Aires (Argentina), Centre Choréographique National de Montpellier (France), La Chapelle Dérézo (France), La Serre arts vivants de Montrel - Festival OFFTA (Canada), Les Brigittines (Belgium), Naves Matadero Madrid (Spain), Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique Montreal (Canada), Berlin Circus Festival (Germany), Contemporary Dance Studio A-Giza (Egypt/UAE), Artistan. International Performing Arts Network (France), Espacio inestable (Spain), Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le Arti Contemporanee (Italy); from the visual arts sector, Jiser Reflexions Mediterrànies (Spain), Oslo Pilot (Norway), Centre des Arts Vivants de Rades (Tunisia), Residència 1+2 (France); and from the music sector, Le Rocher de Palmer (France). Also a Jazz Festival Gathering has taken place, a space to meet and network for international and local professionals from the jazz music world.
Friday afternoon will kick off with two talks: Musical composition in audiovisual media, a debate for the musical and audiovisual sectors to meet, during which the speakers will reflect from their perspectives as producer (Cesc Mulet), director (Toni Bestard) and composer (Ivan Capillas and Miquel Ángel Aguiló); and Developing cultural audiences, a challenge, by Sílvia Duran, director of the Audiences Department of the Catalan Institute of Cultural Enterprises (Institut Català d’Empreses Culturales - ICEC), focusing on possible lines of action in order to generate, increase and diversify audiences for the performing arts.
Also, two professional gatherings will take place: Contemporary Dance, with Eduardo Fernández Palomares (National Institute of Performing Arts and Music), Isabel Ferreira (Navarra's Contemporary Dance Festival), Claudia Morgana (National Federation of Dance Companies) and Fernando Sáez de Ugarte (Dantzaz); and Circus, with Lola Casademont (Fira de Circ al Carrer – La Bisbal d’Empordà), Oriol Martí (FiraTàrrega), Clara Matas (Fira Trapezi) and Isaac Vila (GREC Festival in Barcelona).
In the artistic realm, this morning the garden of Sa Nostra's Cultural Centre has been the stage for the Singer-Songwriter Showcase with Arantxa Andreu, Leonmanso and Damià Oliver. This afternoon at the World Music Showcase Gabriel Fiol, Marta Elka, Tugores, Zaruk and Nafas Ensemble will perform.
Ses Voltes, on the other hand, will host the Pop Rock and Indie Showcase offering concerts by Quin delibat!, Model Slaves, Garras, Jorra i Gomorra, Jane Yo, Poomse, Thony Bloom, Enzel and The Prussians.
The performing arts will be present today with the representation of Només quan plou, by Produccions de Ferro, at 17h at the Catalina Valls Municipal Theatre; Nautae, by Espai_F, at 18h at the Mar i Terra Municipal Theatre; Ricard 3, by Iguana Teatre, at 19h at the Xesc Forteza Municipal Theatre; Guiem o la ciutat adormida, by La Fornal d'Espectacles, at 20h at Teatre Principal; Ningú no va als aniversaris a l'estiu, by Hermanos Picohueso, at 21.30h at the Arxiu del Regne de Mallorca; and Jo, Odisseu, by Cultural-ment Produccions, at 22.30h at Can Alcover. There will also be space for dance with Dosis, by UnaiUna, at 20.35h at the Miquel Maura Square, in front of the Xesc Forteza Municipal Theatre.
Saturday's activities
Tomorrow, Saturday 23rd, the last Professional Sessions of this third edition of Fira B! will take place at Sa Nostra's Cultural Centre , beginning at 10.30h with a session of speed meetings in parallel to the informative session entitled Public financing for Balearic music and the performing arts, a session to inform, list and describe the different subsidies available from Balearic institutions for theatre, dance and music, with the presence of Natàlia Rabassa, coordinator of the cultural programme Art Jove; Pere Muñoz, director of the Balearic Tourism Agency; Rafel M. Creus, director of Culture of the Consell de Mallorca; Mònica Pérez, deputy director of the Teatre Principal; Eva Frade, councilor for Citizen Participation and Territorial Coordination for the Council of Palma; Marta Ferré, general director of the Cultural Department of Palma Council; and Francesc M. Rotger, director of the Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics.
At 12.30h, the informative session entitled Public financing for music and the performing arts, at national and European levels will take place, with Eduardo Fernández Palomares, General Subdirector of Music and Dance for the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music; Rubén Gutiérrez de Castillo, from the SGAE Foundation; Ana Gómez, from the Cervantes Institute in Madrid; Miguel Sánchez Calle, from Europa Creativa Cultura; Miquel Àngel Lladó, responsible for the Cultural Service of the General Culture Directorate of the Balearic Goverment's Ministry of Culture, Participation and Sports, in charge of the programme Euro región Pirineo-Mediterráneo; Maria Lladó, from the Institut Ramon Llull; and Elena Díaz, from AC/E Spanish Cultural Action.
The musical side of the programme will begin at 12.30h at Ses Voltes with the Worldmusic Showcase featuring BOC and Rumba Katxai. From 20h, the Electronic and Rap Music Showcase will begin, with the concerts of Jerry Blunt, Novembre Elèctric, El Dia Eléctrico and Bearoid. The two latter groups will also play hours before, at 19h, at the CCC Pelaires within the framework of the collaboration between Fira B! and the Nit de l’Art.
As for the theatrical side of the programme, Argentinians Grupo Caníbal will present Una furia patria, at 17h at the Catalina Valls Municipal Theatre; En blanc will offer Abans que arribi l’alemany, at 18h at the Mar i Terra Municipal Theatre; La Impaciència will show He vist balenes, at 20h at the Teatre Principal; Cia. Indòmita will be performed by Pares Nostres, at 21.30h at Mallorca's Arxiu del Regne; and Replay by Trampa Teatre, at 23h in Sala Trampa. There will also be room for dance, with the show BaRockBallet, by Pasodos Dance Company, at 19h at the Xesc Forteza Municipal Theatre.
The programme for Sunday includes the performances of Carinyo, by Perez&Disla, at 12h at the Teatre Principal; Smiley, by El Somni Produccions, at 16h at the Mar i Terra Municipal Theatre; and Melosa fel, by AMC Produccions, at 18h at the Catalina Valls Theatre. Finally, the third edition of Fira B! will close with the premiére of the commemorative piece entitled Calbó o el viatge d’Orfeu in honour the Year of Año Pasqual Calbó i Caldés. It will take place at 20h at the Xesc Forteza Municipal Theatre within the programmed activities of Fira B! The theatre play, which commemorates de 200th anniversary of this enlighted painter and writer, is directed by Menorcan Pitus Fernández and performed by Marc Joy, Enka Alonso, Joan Manel Vadell and Josep Orfila. This show is jointly promoted by the Menorcan Island Government and the Balearic Ministry of Culture, Participation and Sports.