Open Call for Photo project in Cortona On The Move 2024
Karen Mueller
Open call for the selection of a photography exhibition project for the Cortona On The Move 2024 festival
1. Purpose of the call
The Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB), together with the organizers of the international photography festival Cortona On The Move 2024, creates an open call for the selection of a photography exhibition project for the festival, which is held from July 11 to November 3, 2024 in Cortona, Italy.
2. Description and objective of the project
The IEB is a body of the Government of the Balearic Islands dedicated to promoting the language and culture of the archipelago. Through its culture area, its strategic objective is to consolidate the Balearic Islands as a structured cultural market, in addition to promoting the external projection of music, performing arts, literature and the visual arts of this territory.
In order to promote and give visibility to artistic creation in the field of visual arts in the Balearic Islands, the IEB participates in the Cortona On The Move 2024 international photography festival with an individual exhibition by a visual artist or photographer from the Balearic Islands. Balearics.
The international photography festival Cortona On The Move ( has been held since 2011 in the Tuscan town of Cortona, in the province of Arezzo.
Leading international photographic production, the festival is a benchmark for photographers, curators, authors, critics, as well as for the public. Under the direction of Veronica Nicolardi and the artistic direction of Paolo Woods, the festival makes documentary narrative the center of its interest and focuses on contemporary and socially relevant issues. At a time in history in which photography is the most universal medium for narrating the world we live in, the festival aims to make it accessible and understandable to the general public and turn it into a motor of culture, exchange and growth.
Every year Cortona On The Move carries out research on the evolution of photographic language and increasingly privileges the production and realization of original and unpublished content.
The proposals presented in the call must be photographic projects that deal with the thematic focus of "body of evidence", proposed by the festival for the 2024 edition:
From the moment photography was born, the body immediately established itself as one of the focal subjects of this new medium. The body to be discovered, laid bare, observed. A place for pleasure, but also for pain, at once vulnerable and incredibly powerful.
Now, more than ever, the body has become the field for every battle, whether over identity, gender or politics, individual or collective. The body can be commodified or sanctified. The perfect body is a lie wrapped in an illusion. The body should be celebrated in all of its forms and in defiance of all diktats. It is a place of freedom and a space to be liberated. For medicine, it is an inexhaustible area of study. For technology, which longs for a machine-body, it is a tool to be improved. Most of all, however, the body is engaged in a never-ending battle against its own end, death.
If it is true that photography can serve as proof, Cortona 2024 will unveil a “Body of Evidence”, where we will explore the body and, along with it, ourselves.
3. Recipients
The call is addressed to visual artists and natural photographers from the Balearic Islands or residents of the archipelago.
In the 2024 edition, creators selected in previous calls cannot participate.
4. Budget and technical coordination
The budget for the exhibition project at the Cortona On The Move festival is €15,000.
The tasks of managing and organizing the exhibition are the responsibility of the festival and include production (printing, framing of the photographs); assembly and disassembly; conditioning of the exhibition space; curated; communication and dissemination; fees, travel, accommodation and accreditation of the visual artist or photographer author of the project.
5. Fees
The fees of the selected visual artist or photographer amount to €1,500 (taxes included), which the festival will pay to the author of the winning project upon presentation of the invoice.
6. Selection of the winning project
The selection of the winning project corresponds to Veronica Nicolardo, director of Cortona On The Move, and Paolo Woods, artistic director of the festival.
The criteria that will guide the selection of the project are:
- quality and artistic interest of the project,
- the fit within the artistic program of the event,
- Adaptation to the proposed thematic focus.
7. Presentation of projects
To register in the prior selection process, it is necessary to send the project proposal and the trajectory of the visual artist or photographer to Files must be in PDF format.
In the subject of the email, you must indicate “Open call Cortona On The Move”. The dossier file must be identified with the name of the photographer and the title of the project (Name_Title).
The project must be accompanied by an explanatory text that establishes the thematic relationship with the focus proposed by the festival and shows low-resolution images of the proposed works.
Only one project proposal per participant will be accepted. The IEB will confirm receipt of the project.
8. Deadline for receipt of projects
The deadline for receiving projects ends on Sunday, April 14, 2024, at 11:00 p.m.
Any application for participation sent after the established deadline will not be considered.
9. Resolution
The author of the selected project will receive an email confirming his/her selection by the IEB (until, at the latest, April 25, 2024), to which he/she must respond confirming participation. Once this procedure is resolved, the IEB will inform all participants of the final result by email and will publish the result of the final selection on its website (
The IEB reserves the right to declare the call void in the event that the festival directors decide that the projects presented do not meet the selection criteria described or do not fit into the scheduled programming.
More information
In case of questions or queries, you can contact Karen Müller, visual arts technician at the IEB (; 971 17 89 96).