The Government allocates 690,000 euros to aid for creative production and cultural research

The Ministry of European Funds, University and Culture, through the Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics (IEB), publishes grants for cultural creation and research worth 690,000 euros.
Those for cultural creation, endowed with 490,000 euros, are allocated to the promotion of original creations in the performing arts sectors; visual arts and photography; literature, comics and illustration; music, and audiovisuals from the Balearic Islands. In total, 67 grants will be distributed with an average of 7,300 euros per project.
Each of these 5 lines has a budget of 98,000 euros.
Grants for the performing arts
It includes 3 sublines: theatrical texts, choreography and circus creation, street art and new formats.
A total of 32,700 euros are allocated to grants for theatrical subsidies, distributed in 4 grants of 8,155 euros each; to those dedicated to the creation of choreographies, 32,650 euros, divided into 4 grants of 8,162.50 euros, and to the creation of circus shows,street theater and of new formats, 32,650 euros, which are distributed in 4 grants of 8,162.50 euros each.
Grants for musical creation
It includes 3 sublines: music for audiovisuals and contemporary creation, with 29.750 euros, distributed in 2 modalities; jazz, with 24,250 euros, distributed in 2 modalities; and popular and urban music, with 8 grants of 5,500 euros.
Grants for literature, comics and illustration
Includes 2 sublines. 54,000 euros are budgeted to the creation of literary texts in Catalan. For narrative, there are 3 grants of 9,500 euros and for poetry 3 grants of 8,500 euros.
The comic and illustration grants are endowed with 44,000 euros and are distributed in 3 grants of 9,500 euros for comics and 4 grants of 3,875 euros for illustration.
Grants for the visual arts
This year the production of work is included in the grant. There are 90,000 euros in total in 10 grants. Without production of work, the bases contemplate 2 grants of 4,000 euros.
Grants to scripts for the audiovisual
Includes 2 sublines. Grants for feature film scripts are endowed with 83,000 euros, divided into 8 grants of 10,375 euros; while short film script grants distribute the overall budget of 15,000 euros into 6 grants of 2,500 euros each.
None of the eligible projects can be part of any production or have been premiered, registered or recorded, nor subsidized, awarded, produced or disseminated.
The deadline for submitting applications, which must be addressed to the IEB, ends June 15, 2023.
Humanities and culture research
Regarding the aid for research projects in the humanities and culture, the call is endowed with 200,000 euros, which are distributed in 20 grants of 10,000 euros each, in order to encourage research in the field of the humanities and culture, for the preparation and writing of research papers, cultural projects and cultural management related to artistic practices or historical and literary essays, among others.
Projects must be original and unpublished and must be written in Catalan or Spanish. In addition, they must have a minimum length of 360,000 characters.
Individuals over the age of 18, who carry out their professional activity in the aforementioned field, as well as groups of researchers, scholars or creators constituted as a legal person or community of goods registered as having economic activity in the corresponding epigraphs, may be beneficiaries of these aids. linked to research and professional activity in the field of culture and that are established in the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands for at least two years or that prove that 50% of the employment contracts or contracted services have been carried out in the last year in the archipelago or that carry out more than 50% of their activity in the Balearics.
Each applicant may only submit one application for one project. The project, which will be evaluated by an evaluation commission, can obtain a maximum of 80 points while the trajectory, a maximum of 20. The global maximum to access the aid is 100 points and the minimum, 50.
As a novelty, the IEB will disseminate the works that receive support both at the IEB headquarters, upon formal request, and through its website, or through the scientific dissemination platforms with which the entity can establish agreements with this aim. The acceptance of the aid and the delivery of the project entail the authorization of the beneficiary to carry out this dissemination.
The deadline for submitting applications, which must be addressed to the IEB, is thirty business days from the day after the publication of the call in the Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands, which can also be consulted at the Electronic Office of the CAIB and on the web
The deadline for submitting the final creation and research projects, which will be assessed by a specific evaluation committee for each field —which will be made public on the IEB website— is October 16, 2023.